I love the layout of this article I wrote, designed and published by Concept Hair. It looked great in their magazine, but would look even better printed out and put up on your team-room notice board. We learn about these tests in training, but they are often not used as they should be. When they are used they are often not formally documented, and therefor deemed to have not been performed. I wrote my book – Forewarned is Forearmed – in response to the need for me to get information out to our industry after Feathers Salon Group successfully defended a case in court where a client wrongly accused negligence during her service. As a result of that experience I was contacted by dozens (and since hundreds) of salon owners and hairdressers that have had similar experiences. As an industry we have fairly much tightened up the necessary protocols around skin testing. This was a terrible hole that no win no fee solicitors were slipping through to win payouts for their clients weak cases against hairdressers. These essential tests have become the new hole. As my book declares, Forewarned is Forearmed. The Essential Tests are also documented in the book.